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Growth in Ecommerce Website Development

Growth in Ecommerce Website Development
The first quarter of 2011 has revealed that there was tremendous growth in ecommerce development. This quarterly report was released yesterday and focuses mainly on the ecommerce freelancing areas and jobs. The data gathered was based on more than 15,000 freelance projects for hundreds of sites across the Web.

It has been established that a near 27% increase in the number of ecommerce freelance projects was seen and there was some amount of rivalry between medium and small ecommerce businesses. Here are some of the findings:
  • The top ecommerce platforms were Magento and osCommerce. Both these platforms now lead the market for their open environment.
  • The demand for ecommerce projects is constantly on the rise. Last year, Europe and Japan had the greatest demand. The United Kingdom has the most number of projects and Germany has the fastest growth.
  • XCart professionals were found to be the highest paid.
iPhone application development has also increased by nearly 33%; higher than Android, making it a more popular skill set to have.
